How to Create free blog on Blogger - Twister Striker | Future Starts Today, Not Tomorrow


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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

How to Create free blog on Blogger

In the present world, having a blog is one of the great things because you can easily express your views and share anything that you want. I have already talked about various blogging platforms in the previous posts where you can create your own blog. If you are really serious about blogging, then it is no doubt that you will go with But many beginners do not taste the sweetness of the blogs and want to start a blog.
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There are many blogging platforms that provide users to create a blog for free. If you want to create a simple and free blog, then my suggestion will go with or Once you gain experiences in blogging, you can move to the advanced blogging platform like

However, for beginners, it is a great way to start a blog for free with
This article is dedicated to beginners who have no experience with blogging and want to start a blog.

Let’s start the process involved in blogging:

Step 1: Creating a blog

In order to create a blog in You need to log in using your Google (Gmail) account. If you do not have a Gmail account, you can simply create a new one for free.
create an account
For the new user, you have two options to use the identity either you can use the Google Plus profile or the BlogSpot profile. I recommend you to use BlogSpot profile because Google plus profile has removed by Google in the new update.

Once you have a login, click on the new blog.

Step 2: Name your blog
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After creating the blog, the first thing you need to name your blog and select your domain name. I recommend you not to select your personal name as a domain name and instead of you can choose a domain name for a blog that you can brand later with a custom domain. The steps are already given in the above image. Just follow 4 simple steps in order to get ready for the new post.

You can then select the blog template which you can change later and click on “Create Blog”.

Step 3: Get ready for new posts

Now you are on the BlogSpot dashboard where you can see the back of your blog.
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Click on the new post and start writing your first post!

But the most important thing is that you can change your default theme as these themes are boring and not interesting. Simply you need to click on the template option and select the themes of your choice.

If you do not want to use these default BlogSpot themes, then you can download blogger themes for free and comply with the list of free BlogSpot themes.

So, your blog is almost ready to use and you can start writing your blog posts. There are a few tips that I want to suggest to you:

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